St John's College W.22 (James 571)

William Barnes, Notebooks. English, c. 1882

Dorsetshire Poet' (1801-86): notebooks containing: i. a list of his writings; ii. a list of articles written for the Dorset County Chronicle; iii. a list of publications in which his works had been noticed; iv. a list of his writings 'not yet published'; and v. some interesting biographical notes. The notebooks were compiled at the end of his life. In a letter to an unknown recipient, also in the collection, dated 18 Nov.

St John's College W.21

Nicholas Sanderson, Lectures on the method of fluxions. English, eighteenth century

Nicholas Sanderson, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge (1683-1739): the first part of a work on fluxions and other mathematical treatises, eventually published as the Method of Fluxions applied to a select number of useful problems (London, 1756: SJC 4.18.83). The present contents appear to mirror the printed version, but break off abruptly at p. 124 of that edition.

St John's College W.19

Thomas Hearding, A Defence of the marriages of priests. Latin, 1631


St John's College W.18

Henry James Warner, Notes on the Septuagint. English, Hebrew and Greek, 1945-9

The Revd Henry James Warner, of St John's College, Cambridge, vicar of North Stoke-with-Ipsden, Oxfordshire (1862-1953): notes on the Septuagint of 1 and 2 Samuel (1 and 2 Kings), Psalms, Isaiah and the minor prophets, in five notebooks compiled during the author's retirement. Letters accompanying the donations and dated between 17 Feb. 1945 and 3 Dec. 1949 are included in each volume, apart from the third.

St John's College W.16*

Jean Leverrier, Calculations re the discovery of Neptune. French, 1846

Urbain Jean Joseph Leverrier, astronomer (1811-77): reproductions of five pages of calculations and writings from MSS in the Paris Observatory, c. 1846. Two show the first and last folios of Leverrier's MS for Connaissance des temps (1849). With reproductions of a portrait of Leverrier by Daverdoing, 1846, and of a cartoon by Honoré Daumier, 'Les Parisiens cherchent la Planète', also first published in 1846.

St John's College W.15 (James 611 and 612)

E. H. Palmer, Scrap-book. English, 1862-80

Edward Henry Palmer, Fellow of St John's College (1840-82): scrap-book of drawings, water-colours, photographs and other items, many relating to his travels in Palestine as a member of staff of the Sinai Survey and in association with C. F. Tyrwhitt Drake in the Negeb. Some of the sketches are dated 1868-75, but most items are undated. A few of the sketches may be Drake's work. Also includes a photograph of a flea through a microscope, cartoon drawings titled 'Brothers' (inebriated gent.

St John's College W.14 (James 610)

E. H. Palmer, Notebooks. English and Arabic, 1868

Edward Henry Palmer, Fellow of St John's College (1840-82): two notebooks. The first consists of a diary kept Nov. - Dec. 1868, the second contains numerous transcripts of inscriptions found on rocks in the Negeb.

St John's College W.12

C. W. Previté-Orton, Poems. English, 1899-1903

Charles William Previté-Orton, Fellow of St John's College (1877-1947): 51 poems on various classical and country themes, most dated between 1899 and 1903. The poems are written on rectos, with further notes and corrections on the facing verso.

St John's College W.10

C. W. Previté-Orton, Poems. English, 1902-6

Charles William Previté-Orton, Fellow of St John's College (1877-1947): poems dated between 1902 and 1906. The titles are 'Zayn of the Statues', 'Rhodope', and five 'Epistles in Terza Rima' to 'A.P.O.', 'E.O.', 'E.S.O.' [Ellery Swaffield Orton, his wife], 'J.S.M.W.' [John Sebastian Marlow Ward, of Trinity Hall] and one left unaddressed. The poems are written on rectos, with further notes and corrections on the facing verso.

St John's College W.3 (part)

J. S. Boys Smith, Recollections of College life. English, 1982


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