St John's College U.22
Henry Russell, Diary of events connected with St John's College.
St John's College U.21
G.H. Whitaker, Glossary to Holland's translation of Livy. English, late 19th cent.
St John's College U.20 (James 596)
John Brownbill, History of Black Notley, Essex. English, c. 1923
John Brownbill, of St John's College, Cambridge (1856-1931): 'An Account of Black Notley, compiled for the late Rev. William Warren, M.A., formerly Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. rector of Black Notley 1907-1918'. Warren died in 1923. Black Notley is a parish in Essex, lying just south of Braintree. Copies of letters to the author from W. J. Hardy and J. H. Round concerning among other matters the possible publication of Brownbill's research, all dated 1918, are at fos 157-66.
St John's College U.16
The Caters Booke for the household of Lady Jane Berkeley, English, 1610-12.
Two volumes containing a daily record of kitchen and other expenditure from 30 March 1610 to 26 March 1612.
The entries mostly record expenditure on bread, cereals, meat, poultry, game, fish, dairy products, fruit, vegetables, herbs, drink, conduit water, and other supplies and repairs. Expenditure is totalled at the end of each week, at the end of each quarter, and at the end of the year 1610/11.
St John's College U.13-15 (formerly H.37-39) (James 298-300)
John Mall, New Testament Lexicon. Greek and Latin, 1745-54
St John's College U.12 (formerly H.35) (James 296)
Edward Capell, Hermes, or, A Guide to the Elements [of phonetic spelling]. English, 1778
St John's College U.11 (formerly H.34) (James 295)
Henry Morgan, Two translations of the Iliad . Latin and English, 1858
Henry Morgan, of St John's College (1824 - c. 1895): two translations of the Iliad into Latin hexameters and English heroics on alternate pages. There is a line count in Greek, Latin and English at the end. Dated 27 July 1858 at the end, and the Calends of October 1858 on the title page.
St John's College U.10 (James 592)
J.S. Wood, Notes on manuscripts and printed books in St John's College Library. English and Latin, c. 1861-82.
John Spicer Wood (1823-93) graduated BA as 22nd Wrangler and 4th Classic in 1846 and the following year was elected to a fellowship. He took his BD in 1857 and his DD in 1869. Wood served St John's as Tutor (1860-70), President (1871-83) and Librarian (c. 1861-82).
St John's College U.9*
Annotated copy of Cowie's A descriptive catalogue (1842-3).
Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001), astronomer
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