St John's College O.59 (James 527)

Thomas Ashe, Collections for an edition of Richard Crashaw's poetry. English, c. 1880

Thomas Ashe, of St John's College (1836-89): 'A Complete account of all the old Editions of Richard Crashaw's poems'. Ashe, himself a poet and co-founder of The Eagle, has cut up and pasted into his notebook a copy of Crashaw's works from the English Poets series, adding his own notes, corrections, introduction and index.

St John's College MS O.58 (James 526)

The subscriptions of the officers, masters, and fellows of the University of Cambridge. English and Latin, 1823.


St John's College O.56 (James 402)

Robert Masters, Miscellaneous papers. English, later eighteenth century

Robert Masters, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (1713-98): miscellaneous papers, including comments upon a damning review in the Gentleman's Magazine (vol. 54, pp. 194-7) of his Life of Mr Thomas Baker (1784), and on biographies of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester (at fo.

St John's College O.54 and 55 (James 400 and 401)

Zachary Grey, Collections for a Life of Thomas Baker. English, c.

St John's College O.53 (James 399)

John Henley, Two historical and lexicographical manuscripts. English, 1752 and undated

John Henley, of St John's College (1692-1756): two manuscripts attributed to 'Orator Henley', now bound together.

  1. 'What was the beginning of Masques in England - and of the Meening and origin of Carnevols', 12 Jan. 1752. Rough notes, heavily corrected.
  2. A dictionary of synonyms, Perish - Systematical, no date but around 1750.

St John's College O.6 (James 398)

Ahmet Benandala, On the Christian religion. Latin, seventeenth century

'Epistola Mauri Mahumetani continens Religionis Christianae Censuram' (p. vii). Beg.: 'Epistola Ahmet Benandala Mahumetani ad Auriacum Principem Comitem Mauritium, et ad Emanuelem Portugalliae Principem' (p. 1); ends: 'Qui felicitatem, vitam et omne bonum tibi cupit, Ahmet Benandala hoc nomen erat scriptum Literis Arabicis' (p. 78). This letter survives in several other copies, including Chetham's Library, Manchester, MS A.2.41.

St John's College O.5 (James 397)

Pierre Cuppé, 'Le Ciel Ouvert'. French, early eighteenth century

Pierre Cuppé (1664?-1748?): 'Le Ciel ouvert a tous les hommes ou traité theologique dans le quel sans rien deranger des pratiques de la Religion on prouve solidement par l'Ecriture Sainte et la raison que tous les hommes seront sauvez / Composé par Pierre Cuppé prestre Bachelier au Theologie Chanoine regulier de St Augustin et Prieur Curé de la paroisse de Bois dans le Diocese de Xaintes' (fo. 11r-11v). The text ends with two lines erased at fo. 268v. This unorthodox work was written before 1716.

St John's College O.4 (James 396)

Guillaume Postel, 'Le Prime Nove del altro Mondo'.

St John's College O.3 (James 395)

Filippo Musotti, Letter-book re the Council of Trent. Italian, 1561


St John's College N.30 (James 623)

Victor Hugo, Notebooks. French, 1856-60


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