St John’s College L.32 (James 383)

George Ashby, Collections on the History of St John’s College. English and Latin, eighteenth century

George Ashby, Fellow and President of St John’s College (1724-1808): Collection of papers relating to the history and traditions of St John’s College, Cambridge, compiled during the second half of the eighteenth century. It includes:

St John’s College L.31 (James 382)

Jeremiah Markland, Notes on Cicero's De Oratore. Latin, c. 1750

Jeremiah Markland, Fellow of Peterhouse (1693-1776): ‘Conjecturae in III Libros Ciceronis De Oratore, Ex Editione 3a Cl. Viri Zach: Pearcii Decani Wintoniensis. Londini. MDCCXLVI' (fo. 1r). No date, but c. 1750. Book 2 begins at fo. 16r, and Book 3 at fo. 57r. Zachary Pearce (1690-1774), latterly Bishop of Rochester, first published his edition of De Oratore in 1716. The second edition followed in 1732 and the third in 1746.

St John’s College L.30 (James 381)

Jeremiah Markland, Letters. English, 1756-75

Jeremiah Markland, Fellow of Peterhouse (1693-1776): letters to various correspondents on classical, medical and New Testament subjects. Apparently an artificial collection, although the predominance of letters to Heberden may indicate that the papers were presented by him:

St John’s College L.29 (James 380)

Jeremiah Markland, Quaestiones Venusinae. Latin, c. 1760

Jeremiah Markland, Fellow of Peterhouse (1693-1776): ‘Quaestiones Venusinae; ad Q. Horatii Flacci Libros Carminum, Epodion, Sermonum, et Epistolarum, ex edit doctissimi Viri Ric. Bentleii, Amstel M.DCC.XIII’ (title page). No date, but c. 1760. A later, augmented and neater version of the notes in L.28.

St John’s College L.28 (James 379)

Jeremiah Markland, Notes on Juvenal and Horace. Latin, c. 1760

Jeremiah Markland, Fellow of Peterhouse (1693-1776): ‘Stricturae in Juvenalem’ (Satires, pp. 1-49); Quaestiones Venusinae (pp. 1-70), based on Richard Bentley’s edition of Horace (Amsterdam, 1713). No date, but c. 1760.

St John’s College L.27 (James 378)

Jeremiah Markland, Notes on the Epistles of St Paul. English, c. 1760

Jeremiah Markland, Fellow of Peterhouse (1693-1776): ‘Querys concerning some passages in the Epistles of St Paul, etc.’, c. 1760. Begins: ‘I have put down these things as they occurred to me in Reading, with a desire and design of blotting them all out (as I have done some of them) upon better information.

St John’s College L.25 and 26 (James 376 and 377)

Jeremiah Markland, Notes on the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles. English, 1763-70

Jeremiah Markland, Fellow of Peterhouse (1693-1776): ‘Remarks on some few passages of the Four Evangelists, and of the Acts of the Apostles, ex Edit. Lond. 1763 2 voll. 8o (?) et Kusteri Lips. 1710. Fol.’ L.26 covers Matthew I to Luke xiii, L.25 includes Luke xiv to Acts xxviii.

St John's College L.24 (James 375)

Jeremiah Markland, Notes on St Matthew's Gospel. English, 1759


Jeremiah Markland, Fellow of Peterhouse (1693-1776): a commentary on the Greek text of St Matthew's Gospel, arranged chapter by chapter. Written from the end of the vol.: 'Queries concerning the sense of some passages in The Epistles of St Paul etc. for private use'. Dated 3 May 1759 on fo. 1r.

St John's College L.22 (James 374)

Life of John Fisher. English, seventeenth century.


St John's College L.19 (James 373)

Leone da Modena, 'Vita, Riti, e Costumi de gl' Hebrei'. Italian, 1638


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