St John's College L.18 (James 372)
Sir George Carew (d. 1612), 'Concerning the state and government of France'. English, seventeenth century
'The observations of Sir George Carew knight, Lo: Ambass: for his Majestie of England, to the Most Christian King / Concerning the State and governement of France under Henry the fourth, anno 1609'. Beg.: 'To the Kings most Excell. Majestie. When beyond any desert or expectation of mine it hath pleased your Majestie to honour me ...'; ends: '...
St John's College L.16 (James 371)
William Sancroft, Forms of consecration. English, 17th cent.
William Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury (1617-93): twenty forms and orders for the consecration of churches, churchyards, chapels and alter plate. A list is prefixed. All dated forms are seventeenth century, the latest being 1678. At pp. 133-4 is an order for the reconciliation of a profaned church in Hereford, 1637, and at pp. 137-8 a form for the interdict of the parish church of South Malling until reconciled.
St John's College L.15 (James 370)
William Sancroft, Form of the Coronation of James II. English, 1685
William Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury (1617-93): reworking of the coronation service. The work consists of extensive notes and revisions in Sancroft's hand to an original MS 'The Manner of the Coronation of the Kings of England', drawn up for the coronation of Charles I and 'recovered from Westminster upon the suit' (fo. i v). A companion to MS L.14. Printed in Christopher Wordsworth, The manner of the coronation of King Charles I of England (London: Henry Bradshaw Soc., 1892), pp.
St John's College L.14 (James 369)
William Sancroft, Form of the Coronation of James II. English, 1685
William Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury (1617-93): reworking of the coronation service, following an order from the council to remove the communion service and 'to abbridge (as much as conveniently might be) the extreme length of the rest' (see fo. 58v). The possibility of a communion is nevertheless catered for. At fo.
St John's College L.13 (James 368)
William Sancroft, Forms of prayer. English, c. 1685
William Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury (1617-93): Notes on services and forms of prayer. Material relating to the coronation service at fos 5r-16r. The rest of the volume is far more miscellaneous in content, being chiefly additional and occasional forms copied from the Edwardian Liturgy, Elizabethan, Jacobean and Caroline publications, the Privy Council register, Elias Ashmole's collections and other sources.
St John's College L.12 (James 367)
Order of Coronation of King Charles I. English, 1626
'The Order of the King's Coronation', followed on 2 February 1626. Possibly in the hand of John Cosin, later Bishop of Durham (1594-1672). It contains many annotations and additions in the hand of William Laud (1573-1645), then Bishop of St David's, later Archbishop of Canterbury, including at p. x: 'King Charles our most dread and gracious soveraigne was crownd att Westminster bye George Abbot Arch-Byshop of Canterburye Feb: 2 Candlemas Daye.
St John's College L.11 (James 366)
'Leicester's Commonwealth'. English, seventeenth century
Anon.: 'The Copy of a Letter written by a Master of Arts in Cambridge to his frend in London ... Anno Domini 1584'. The notorious work of a Roman Catholic polemicist hostile to the Elizabethan regime, popularly known as Leicester's Commonwealth, which survives in many copies. Formerly and mistakenly attrib.
St John's College L.8 (James 365)
Konrad Glesinski, Polish-Slavonic primer. Polish, Latin, English and German, c. 1670
Konrad Gleshinski, or Glesinski (fl. 1670): a Slavonic primer, consisting of alphabets (fos 6r-7v), numbers (fo. 19r-20v), the Epistle to Philemon (fos 8r-16r) and the Lord's Prayer (fos 17r-18v) in four parallel texts: a strongly polonised Church Slavonic (Cyrillic and transliterated), and English and German, both rendered literally. A fulsome Latin dedication to Peter Gunning (1614-84), as Bishop of Chichester (fos 2r-5r), which would date the MS between 1669 and 1675. From fo.
St John's College L.7 (James 364)
Thomas Sackville, The Complaint of Henry Duke of Buckingham. English, c. 1560
'The Complaint of Henrie Duke of Buckinghame made bye T[homas] S[ackville]', Lord Buckhurst, later Earl of Dorset (1527/36-1608). The Complaint was Sackville's contribution to the second part of the Mirror for Magistrates, first published in 1563 (STC 1248). It has usually been published as two separate works, the Induction and the Complaint, but appears as one under the latter title in this autograph MS.
St John's College L.6 (James 363)
John Fisher, Month's Mind Sermon for Margaret, Countess of Richmond. English, seventeenth century
'Hereafter followeth a morninge remembrance had at the month mind of the noble princesse Margaret countesse of Rychemonde and Darby mother unto King Henry the vii and grandame to our soverayne Lord that now is, upon whose soule almightie god have mercy': a faithful MS facsimile of the edition published by Wynkyn de Worde in 1509 (STC 10891), complete with copies of the woodcuts and colophon.