St John's College L.5 (James 362)

Marriage of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. English, c. 1625


'A true Relacion of the treatie and ratification of the marriage concluded and agreed upon betweene our soveraigne Lord Charles ... and the Ladie Henrietta Maria Sister to the French King'. A copy of the marriage treaty of 8 May 1625, signed at the Louvre. Printed in [1642], Wing T3062.

St John's College L.4 (James 361)

French books in the Library of John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln. French, 1634


St John's College L.3 (James 360)

Roger Ascham, 'Expositiones'. Latin, 1542-3

Roger Ascham (c. 1515-68): 'Expositiones quaedam antiquae in Epistolam Divi Pauli ad Philemonem ex diversis Sanctorum Patrum graece scriptis commentariis opera ex diligentia Oecumenii collectae et nunc primum Latine versae. Cantabrigiae Anno domini 1542'. The text is printed in Apologia ... Aschami ... pro caena Dominica, etc (1577), pp. 280-96. The dedication copy (dated at fo. 10r 1 Jan. 1543) to Ascham's friend John Seton (d. 1567), also Fellow of St John's (see L. V. Ryan, Roger Ascham (1963), p.

St John's College L.2 (James 359)

William Davison, 'Elementa Physicae Practicae', etc. Latin, c. 1631


William Davison (fl. 1635-60):

St John's College MS K.61

Papers relating to the trial of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. English, 17th century.


St John's College MS K.59 (James 557)

W.H.B. Proby, A revision of the Anglican Psalter pointed for chanting. English, c. 1907-8.


'A revision of the Anglican Psalter pointed for chanting, to which is added a revision of the Benedicte, the Quicunque vult, and the Gloria in excelsis', by William Henry Baptist Proby (1832-1915). Proby studied at Trinity College (BA 1855), was Tyrwhitt Hebrew Scholar (1855), won the Carus Prize (1856), and took a first class in the Theological Examination (1856). He was subsequently ordained, pursued a career in the church and published a number of theological works.

St John's College MS K.58 (James 543)

George Ashby, Critical remarks on various authors. Latin, English and French, 1760s-80.


'Critical remarks on various authors by the Rev. George Ashby, B.D. President of St John's College, Cambridge, and Rector of Barrow, Suffolk.' Ashby (1724-1808) was an antiquary and served as president of St John's 1767-75 (see ODNB).

St John’s College MS K.56 (James 542)

A collection of 74 historical papers and poems, c.1574-1641


St John's College K.55 (James 532)

Henry Martyn, three letters to Morgan Walter Jones. English, 1799-1802


Henry Martyn, Senior Wrangler, Fellow of St John's College (1781-1812): three letters on personal and College affairs to his friend Morgan Walter Jones (Fellow of St John's, 1778 or 1779-1848) dated Truro, 23 Sep. 1799; Woodbury, 15 Apr. 1801; Truro, 15 Sep. 1802.

St John's College MS K.54 (James 547)

Copies of deeds of foundation relating to John Dowman. Latin, 1516-26


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