St John's College K.53 (James 536)
Henry Tubbe, Meditations in three centuries, c. 1650
St John's College K.52 (James 533)
Service book. English, eighteenth century
Collection of services and anthems by Childs, Thomas Williams, Tudway, Rogers, Batten, and Aldridge, no date, but eighteenth century. Six-line stave throughout.
St John's College K.51 (James 529)
Compositions for organ. English, eighteenth century
Collection of services and anthems by Gibbons, Croft, Goldwin, Green, Bishop, Blow, Purcell and others, no date, but eighteenth century. There is a list of contents in several hands on the rear flyleaf.
St John's College K.47 (James 356)
'La Coignee de Lutter'. English and French, sixteenth century
St John's College K.46 (James 355)
Collection of Astrological calculations. English and Latin, sixteenth century
A collection of astrological calculations, nativities and rules by which the future may be divined, sixteenth century. There are some verses at fos [1r], [1v] and [5r], the second acknowledging a book ('The lovynge booke which you have sent ...'), the third two verses from a poem on Jason and Medea ('Many a lady that was full fayer / thoroughe love hathe lost her chef delight').
St John's College K.43 and 44 (James 352 and 353)
William Craven, Notes and drafts of sermons. English, before 1815.
William Craven, Master of St John's College (d. 1815): Notes and drafts for sermons on Gibbon and other subjects. At the end of K.43 there are sermons in other hands on Thessalonians v.17, 'Preached at St Paul's Birmingham on the fifth Sunday after Easter May 11th 1828 A.M.' and on Isaiah xxxiii.6, 'preached for St Paul's Sunday School May 3rd 1829 - morning. Preached in St Bartholomew's Birmingham January 20th 1833 - for the benefit of the National Society.'
St John's College K.42 (James 351)
William Craven, Plan for reading history. English, c. 1800
William Craven, Master of St John's College (d. 1815): 'A plan for reading history', compiled c. 1800 or earlier. It is rather a potted history of the Classical and post-Classical Western world, arranged chronologically, and thereafter (usually) by country or region.
St John's College K.41 (James 350)
William Craven, Sermons on Gibbon. English, early nineteenth century
William Craven, Master of St John's College (d. 1815): drafts of sermons, apparently preached in College and drawing on Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1807-13.
St John's College K.40 (James 349)
Commonplace. English, late seventeenth century
A political and verse commonplace of the later seventeenth century. The initial and concluding pages contain notes by G[eorge] A[shby] (Fellow and President of St John's College, Cambridge, 1724-1808), dated Barrow 30 December 1796, and Ashby's remarks and comments are scattered Thomas Baker-like throughout the work. The substantial contents are:
St John's College K.39 (James 348)
George Ashby's collections relating to St John's College. Latin and English, various dates
George Ashby (Fellow and President of St John's College, Cambridge, 1724-1808): collections relating to St John's College. Other collections by Ashby are at L.32. In the later part of the volume the collection is very miscellaneous, but the following is a summary of the contents: