St John's College I.21 (James 317, Wagstaff 3467)

Walter Bayley, of New College Oxford, Regius Professor of Physic (1529-92): 'Parergon explicationis nostrae in tertiam partem Galeni de arte parva ubi agitur de potu convalescentium et senum'. Dedication to an unidentified party dated Cal. Jan. 1582. Apparently never printed.

St John's College I.20 (James 316)

Reginald Pole, Refutation of the views of Thomas Cranmer. Latin, 1555

Reginald Pole (1500-58), Archbishop of Canterbury: 'Reginaldi Poli Cardinalis Legati Apostolici epistola ad Thomam Crammerum, qui Archiepiscopalem sedem Cantuariensis ecclesiae tenens, novam de Sacramento eucharistiae doctrinam contra perpetuum Catholicae ecclesiae consensum professus est, ac tradidit, qua epistola eum nec magistrum tanti mysterii, neque discipulum idoneum esse posse; simulque unde hic eius error manarit, ostendit; et ad poenitentiam hortatur'. Dated 'Ex aula Regia apud S.

St John's College I.18 (James 315)

Miscellany. English and Latin, c. 1592-1640


Several MSS on various subjects, bound together, possibly by Thomas Baker:

St John's College I.17 (James 314) (Wagstaff 3463)

Old Testament Commentaries. Latin, c. 1532


St John's College I.16 (James 313) (Wagstaff 3478)

'Tract. de Reformationis Novitate'. Latin and English, after 1622


St John's College I.14b (James 312)

Treatise against disloyalty. English, mid seventeenth century


St John's College I.14a (James 311) (Wagstaff 3495)

Creations of English nobility. English, seventeenth century


St John's College I.9 (James 310, Wagstaff 3486)

Treatise against bishops. English, 1571


Treatise against the episcopacy, in favour of a Genevan form of Church government. Beg.: 'Howe excellent a thinge, and howe greatly to be estemed'; ends: 'wee maye see joye in Jacob, for a reformation, and peace upon the Israell of God'. The date 1 Mar. 1570 appears at fo. 1r. At fo. 110r, at end of work: 'Sit laus deo 12 Nove. 1571 anno aetatis 32'.

St John's College I.8 (James 309, Wagstaff 3481)

Two comedies. Latin, 1600


[Walter Hawkesworth, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, d. 1606], 'Leander', and 'Labyrinthus', two comedies in five acts, with Florentine settings, apparently written for Cambridge commencements. 'Leander' concludes with the date '1599. Jan. 7', and the initials 'H. H.' It was staged at Trinity at the bachelors' commencement, 1603. 'Labyrinthus' was (supposedly) performed before James I at Cambridge in March 1623, It was printed and published London, 1636 (STC 12956). Another MS copy is at CUL, MS Ee.5.16(3).

St John's College I.7 (James 308)

Sir Philip Sidney, 'The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia'. English, before 1588


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