MS B.9 f.234v
Browne 1428. A verse account of the pseudo-Mahdi Sayyid Muhammad b. 'Abdu'llah b. 'Uthman b. Khidr. Urdu.
Paper. 225 x 150mm. 166 fos. Collation: 3 flyleaves, 18-208, 216, 3 flyleaves.
Nasta'liq, rubricated. 2 columns of 13 lines to a page.
Blind tooled red goatskin binding.
MS B.9 f.221r
Browne 1436 (formerly N.12). Two humorous Turkish poems by Wasif-i-Andaruni.
Paper. 175 x 110mm. 40 fos.
Gold tooled dark red leather binding.
MS B.9 f.213r
MS B.9 f.207r
Browne 1444*. A summary in popular Tamil of the first section of the Mahabharata.
Palm leaf. 225 x 50mm. c.300 leaves.
The leaves have writing on both sides, c.11-15 lines per side. The leaves are enclosed within 2 wooden boards. Two strings are attached to the end board and run through holes in the leaves and front board. The excess string is wound around the boards and leaves to secure them together.
MS B.9 f.206v
Browne 1407 (formerly K.2). Makin, Jirjis ibn 'al -'Amid (1205-1273). Historia Ecclesiastica. Syriac.
Paper. 205 x 140mm. 343 fos. Collation: 16, 210, 36, 410 ... 416, 4210, 436, 1 flyleaf. Dated 1618?
Syriac script, rubricated. 18 lines to a page.
Blind tooled red goatskin Islamic binding with flap.