MS Browne 1434 p.96
MS Browne 1434 p.59
MS Browne 1434 p.26
MS Browne 1434 p.1
MS Browne 1434 p.0
For this manuscript see N. R. Ker, Medieval manuscripts in British libraries II (Oxford, 1977), pp. 253-254.
Browne 1434. The Khamsa of Nizami. Persian, 1540.
Paper. 320 x 195mm. 786p.
A fine manuscript of the Khamsa of Nizami Ganjavi (1140/41-1202/3), dated Safar 947/June 1540. Good Nasta'liq, 4 columns of 19 lines each to a page, with 30 miniature paintings. Green leather binding, ornamented with Oriental scenes of pagodas and palanquin processions in gold.
Bequeathed to the College by James Bate (Bishop of Ely's Fellow 1726-1733, Rector of Deptford, d.1775).
Vellum, 11.25 x 7.75, ff. 120 + 2, 33 lines to a page. 12thth century (1132?), in a beautiful upright hand.
Donor, G. Smith.
Browne 1431. Volume 2 of a System of Muhammadan Law compiled for Shir 'Ali, Amir of Afghanistan, in 1287/1870-1, entitled Qanun-i-Amiri. Persian.
Paper. 245 x 165mm. [7], 479p.
Written in clear Nasta'liq, in black, red and blue, within blue and gold borders. 17 lines to a page. Full table of contents prefixed.
On the final flyleaf 'Bought at the prize-sale of property taken from the "Kotwali" at Cabul. Cabul, Nov. 1879 by Granville Egerton, 2nd Lieut., 72nd Highlanders.'
Vellum, 12.25 x 8.75, ff. 244, double columns of 33 lines. 12th cent., in a fine clear hand: a second hand adds some sermons in the first quire and elsewhere.