For this manuscript see N. R. Ker, Medieval manuscripts in British libraries II (Oxford, 1977), pp. 253-254.

Browne 1434. The Khamsa of Nizami. Persian, 1540.

Paper. 320 x 195mm. 786p.

A fine manuscript of the Khamsa of Nizami Ganjavi (1140/41-1202/3), dated Safar 947/June 1540. Good Nasta'liq, 4 columns of 19 lines each to a page, with 30 miniature paintings. Green leather binding, ornamented with Oriental scenes of pagodas and palanquin processions in gold.

Bequeathed to the College by James Bate (Bishop of Ely's Fellow 1726-1733, Rector of Deptford, d.1775).


    Vellum, 11.25 x 7.75, ff. 120 + 2,  33 lines to a page.  12thth century (1132?), in a beautiful upright hand.

    Donor, G. Smith.

Browne 1431. Volume 2 of a System of Muhammadan Law compiled for Shir 'Ali, Amir of Afghanistan, in 1287/1870-1, entitled Qanun-i-Amiri. Persian.

Paper. 245 x 165mm. [7], 479p.

Written in clear Nasta'liq, in black, red and blue, within blue and gold borders. 17 lines to a page. Full table of contents prefixed.

On the final flyleaf 'Bought at the prize-sale of property taken from the "Kotwali" at Cabul. Cabul, Nov. 1879 by Granville Egerton, 2nd Lieut., 72nd Highlanders.'


    Vellum, 12.25 x 8.75,  ff. 244, double columns of 33 lines.  12th cent., in a fine clear hand:  a second hand adds some sermons in the first quire and elsewhere.

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