16th-century English panel-stamped binding (Uu.10.17)

16th-century English panel-stamped calf (for panels see Oldham's Blind panels of English binders, plate 31, nos HM.25 and HM.26). From Johann Aepinus' (1545).

16th-century London blind-stamped calf by John Reynes (A.4.25)

16th-century English (London) blind-stamped binding, with a roll containing eagles, hounds and the initials J.R., i.e. John Reynes (for rolls see Oldham's English blind-stamped bindings, plate 37, no. 553, AN.b1). The volume also boasts four brass bosses at the corners of the central panel, and book-clasps.

16th-century English panel-stamped binding (Pp.11.12)

16th-century English panel-stamped calf with panels bearing heads in medallions and the initials of an unidentified binder, T.P. (Oldham, 'Blind panels of English binders', HM.7 & HM.8). From Theophylactus' (1531).

16th-century English panel-stamped binding (John Reynes?) (Uu.8.2)

16th-century English panel-stamped calf (for panels see Oldham's Blind panels of English binders, plate 21, HE.26, and plate 41, RO.21). From Haymo of Halberstadt's (1529).

16th-century English panel-stamped binding (Uu.8.1)

16th-century English panel-stamped calf (for panels see Oldham's Blind panels of English binders, plate 61, TRIP.9). From Haymo of Halberstadt's (1529). This is a triple panel depicting, from left to right, the Annunciation, two fighting characters and the Virgin of the Apocalypse.

16th-century English panel-stamped binding (Ee.13.36)

16th-century English English panel-stamped calf bearing a panel with the Baptism of Christ on the front, and a panel with St George and the Dragon on the rear (Oldham, 'Blind panels of English binders', BIB.17 & ST.9). Also incorporated into the rear panel are the initials I.R., standing for the binder, John Reynes who operated in London. The Library has several other volumes with designs incorporating his initials.

16th-century French (?) panel-stamped calfskin binding (Pp.12.9)

16th-century panel-stamped calf bearing a double-headed eagle, possibly French. From a volume containing two sets of commentaries on Old Testament prophets by Franz Lambert (both 1525).

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16th-century Cambridge blind-stamped calf by Nicholas Spierinck (Uu.13.25)

16th-century English (Cambridge) blind-stamped binding, with initials N.S., i.e. Nicholas Spierinck (for rolls see Oldham's English blind-stamped bindings, plate 37, no. 562, AN.f2, and plate 39, no. 604, DI.a2).

16th-century Cambridge blind-stamped calf by Garrett Godfrey (A.4.25*)

16th-century English (Cambridge) blind-stamped binding, with initials G.G., i.e. Garrett Godfrey (for rolls see Oldham's English blind-stamped bindings, plate 37, fig. 561, AN.f1, and plate 39, fig. 593, DI.a1). From a volume containing John Fisher's (Antwerp, 1523).

16th-century English panel-stamped binding (I.10.37)

16th-century English panel-stamped calf bearing a front panel with the baptism of Christ and a rear panel with the Annunciation (Oldham, Blind panels of English binders, BIB.1 & BIB.16). The front panel also has the initials A.R. in the border, denoting that it belonged to the London binder Andrew Ruwe. From a volume containing two works of canon law published in 1513.

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