MS A.8 f.103v
MS A.8 f.91r
MS A.8 f.76v
MS A.8 f.61r
MS A.8 f.39v
Browne 1406 (formerly K.1). Qur'an. Arabic.
Paper. 210 x 150mm. 450 fos. Collation: 112, 210-4410, 458.
Naskhi script, vocalised and rubricated, within red borders. 11 lines to a page. The opening 2 pages have decorated borders of blue, red and yellow.
Blind tooled brown/red goatskin Islamic binding with flap.
MS A.8 f.16v
MS A.8 f.1v
Browne 1406 (formerly K.1). Qur'an. Arabic.
Paper. 210 x 150mm. 450 fos. Collation: 112, 210-4410, 458.
Naskhi script, vocalised and rubricated, within red borders. 11 lines to a page. The opening 2 pages have decorated borders of blue, red and yellow.
Blind tooled brown/red goatskin Islamic binding with flap.
Vellum, 13.6 x 9.5, ff. 3 + 26 + 156 + 24, 39 lines to a page. Late 14th cent. (after 1388), very beautifully written and ornamented.
No donor's name appears.